保持了解. 控制自己.



  • 电话联系您, 电子邮件, or text message to ask for your account number, personal identification number (PIN), social 安全 number or any personal information. 当你直接打电话给我们时, we will only ask you to provide this information to verify your identity.
  • tell you to withdraw money from an ATM to send somewhere else.
  • tell you to send money to us via CashApp, Zelle®, or any payment solution.


Quishing, 也被称为二维码网络钓鱼, involves tricking someone into scanning a QR code using a mobile phone. 然后,QR码会将用户带到一个可能下载恶意软件或要求用户提供敏感信息的欺诈网站.
当骗子以另一亚洲博彩平台排名/实体的身份进行诈骗时,就会发生身份欺骗. 欺骗者通过密码攻击和凭证捕获过程窃取亚洲博彩平台排名或企业的凭证.
违法者翻找垃圾, looking for bills or other papers with personal and financial information.
People divert your billing statements to another location by completing a U.S. Postal Service change-of-address form.
Criminals steal wallets and purses; mail, including bank and credit card statements; pre-approved credit offers; and new checks or tax information. They also take personnel records or bribe employees who have access.
你可能会收到一个冒充孙子或亲人的人打来的电话或发的短信, urgently requesting financial assistance for an emergency. 这些骗子操纵来电显示信息,使电话看起来像是来自可信的联系人. 此外, 这些骗子利用人工智能技术来复制亲人的声音, aiming to deceive you into believing they are genuinely in need of help.
你收到一封据称来自供应商的电子邮件,要求你将资金转移到另一个账户. Although the 电子邮件 appears authentic, 它可能是来自未经授权访问您供应商网络的欺诈者的欺骗性通信.
A fraudulent individual instructs you to purchase a gift card, such as a Google Play™ or Apple® Gift Card, provide them with the card's numbers from the back. Regardless of their claims, this is a 骗局. 合法的企业或政府机构永远不会要求你使用礼品卡付款. If you suspect you've fallen victim to such a 骗局, 即使这是很久以前的事了, it's crucial to report it to the respective gift card company.
如果来自MECU或其他金融机构的人就您的账户涉嫌欺诈活动联系您,并要求汇款或付款重定向, 的),运动则要谨慎. 如果不确定, 终止与潜在骗子的所有联系,并联系借记卡或信用卡背面提供的电话号码进行核实.
犯罪分子可以在你的电脑上安装隐形软件,让他们窃取你的身份并造成其他损害. (了解什么是间谍软件, how to tell if it's on your computer, get rid of it, avoid it altogether.) 
Criminals sometimes use malware – including viruses – to get into your computer, 窃取信息, 发送垃圾邮件, 并进行欺诈. (了解恶意软件的迹象 以及如何摆脱它.)


Lost/Stolen MECU Visa® Debit or Credit Card
MECU Visa® Credit Card Balance Transfers 866-820-3867  

MECU's New Fraud Alert Number is 494-47.

需要一个不同的号码吗?? 看看我们的 MECU Visa持卡人参考指南.


How to protect yourself against fraud

Research common threats to help yourself stay alert to potential threats.
Regularly check on your accounts and confirm any charges that have been made. 

What number does MECU use to send SMS fraud alerts?

  • MECU SMS Fraud Alerts are free and will come from 494-47. 请将此号码保存在您的联系人中,并以您将识别的名称作为将来的警报.
  • 我们推荐“MECU欺诈警报”.“从这个号码发出的诈骗警报信息也将标有MECU的名字.



  • A "是的" response confirms the purchase(s) and no further action is required.
  • A "No" response denies the purchase(s). 你的名片将是  阻塞 直到你打电话给欺诈检测.

Don’t become a victim of "reverse instant payments" 骗局

网络犯罪分子以受害者为目标,通过发送看似信用合作社欺诈警报的短信,询问客户是否使用数字支付应用程序发起了即时转账。. Once the victim responds to the alert, 然后,网络犯罪分子从一个似乎与金融机构的合法1-800支持号码相匹配的号码拨打电话. Under the pretext of reversing the fake money transfer, 受害者被骗向网络攻击者控制下的银行账户汇款. The payment amount and financial institution name changes from victim to victim. If the customer replies "No," a follow-up message is sent.

以上是 骗局 SMS message made to imitate MECU信用合作社. Please, remain vigilant and do not fall victim to cybercriminals.

记住, MECU SMS Fraud Alerts come from 494-47.


Technology is the favorite tool of many identity thieves

Nearly nine million Americans have their identity stolen each year. 让自己了解这些犯罪是如何发生的,这样你就可以采取措施预防它们.


  • MECU或任何信誉良好的金融机构永远不会要求点对点支付来解决欺诈活动.
  • 不要向声称你的账户被盗用或威胁终止服务的人汇款.
  • 如果不确定, 通过您的借记卡或信用卡背面的号码,通过真实的渠道与MECU联系.
  • Avoid using search engines to reach the MECU website; instead, use fatihilyas.net or the MECU Mobile app for account access.
  • Report any suspicious activity immediately.


识别和报告钓鱼电子邮件:如果你收到一封含有链接和/或附件的电子邮件,你不认识的人,在点击或打开附件之前要三思. It could be an attempt to get sensitive information or install malware/virus. 
If you suspect a check has been lost or stolen, you first need to 亚洲博彩平台排名. 如果支票还没有兑现,那么你可以要求他们停止付款. 这是一种正式的要求,如果支票被存入银行或提交兑现,银行就不支付支票.
Recovering your identity after it's been stolen can be an overwhelming process, 但我们会支持你的. 你的第一步是去拜访 IdentityTheft.政府. Here you will begin the process of reporting and developing a recovering plan.
如果您注意到您的帐户上有活动,表明您或该帐户的授权用户以外的人进行了交易, 请立即致电 800-231-5262.
MECU绝不会通过电话、电子邮件或短信联系您索要亚洲博彩平台排名信息. 当您直接致电我们时,我们只会要求您提供此信息以验证您的身份.

If you've fallen victim to identity theft, you're not alone

Recovering your identity after it's been stolen can be an overwhelming process, 但我们会支持你的. Your first step is to call us at 800-231-5262. Here you will begin the process of reporting and developing a recovering plan.